Home Purple Teaming

Purple Teaming

In the current cybersecurity landscape, collaboration between defence and attack teams is essential. At Devoteam Cyber Trust, we offer a comprehensive Purple Team approach based on years of experience in security assessments. Our services are designed to enhance collaboration between Red and Blue teams, providing a realistic view of your security defences and improving the defence teams' response capabilities, as well as the resilience and security of your digital infrastructures.

What we offer

Devoteam Cyber Trust offers a comprehensive Purple Team approach based on years of experience in Red Teaming across multiple clients in various sectors. Our Purple Teaming services are designed to assess the organisation's and teams' real capabilities in detecting, preventing, and blocking techniques (TTPs) used by actual attackers.

Purple Team Exercises emulate various Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) to identify and correct weaknesses in the organisation's security framework. The selection of Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) to be emulated by your Purple Team depends on various factors, including the organisation's specific security concerns or objectives, or the choice of techniques used by malicious actors targeting the sector or the organisation specifically.

With extensive experience in delivering security solutions across various industries, we bring unparalleled expertise to each project.

Purple Team's Activities

Attack Simulation: The attack actions are performed and demonstrated in real time for all participants. The Red Team shares information about which detection events would be expected for the performed attack activities.

Defence Capabilities: The defence teams (Blue Team) demonstrate their ability to detect and respond to the executed attacks.

Interactive Sessions: Practical sessions are held where teams openly discuss attack methods and defence strategies.

Continuous Feedback: The Blue and Red teams work simultaneously in multiple collaboration sessions, providing continuous feedback on insights, observations, and lessons learned.

Continuous Improvement: The ongoing feedback enhances the internal teams' understanding of the utilised techniques and contributes to improving defence capabilities.

Purple Teaming Process


Enhanced Threat Understanding: By simulating realistic attack scenarios and incorporating adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), Purple Teaming provides a deeper understanding of potential threats.

Effective and Detailed Testing: Purple Team exercises allow organisations to comprehensively test their security controls, detection capabilities, and incident response procedures in a controlled environment, enabling the identification and correction of weaknesses before real attacks occur.

Improvement of Response Capabilities: It enables defensive teams (Blue Team) to practise and enhance their attack detection and response skills in a controlled environment.

Knowledge Update: Keeps teams informed about the latest tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers, ensuring that defences are aligned with current threats.

Development of Defence Strategies: Facilitates the creation and implementation of more effective defence strategies based on insights and feedback from the exercise.

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Edifício Atrium Saldanha
Praça Duque de Saldanha, nº 1, 2º andar
1050-094, Lisboa | Portugal
T: +351 21 33 03 740
E: info@integrity.pt

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